Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cheesy Cauliflower Pancake Goodness

In my attempt to bring veggies to the family in a new and fun way I tried this cauliflower recipe. While I think it is a good start, my husband LOVES cauliflower, it just needed some love to make it perfect. A little tweak here, a little tweak there and blamo we had a winner!

Also tell your kids you are making them pancakes for dinner and they get excited. Tell them they are made of cauliflower and wait for the groans :( This did not make for a completely happy dining experience. They did try them, did they like them...hmmm I wouldn't say they hated them. My children are a hard sell, but the hubbs loved them.

Original ingredients: Eggs, panko, cheese
Cauliflower cooked to fork tender (not too mushy now)

All the goodness mixed together, actually ate most from the pot ;)

Don't mind the old stove, it still works and the "pancakes" were perfect
Here is how I made it:
  • one large head of cauliflower
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup grated cheese of your choice (I went with chedder)
  • 1 cup of bread crumbs (panko is good, or italian seasoned ones sound fun!)
  • 1 tsp nutmeg (cauliflower secret ingredient)
  • 1 tsp caynne (or more if you are spicy)
  • salt and pepper to taste
Cut up just the flowerets for the cauliflower and set them in a pot of salted water to boil. I find the key to not over cooking veggies is to bring them to a boil, set the timer for 5 minutes and then rinse them with cool water in a collander (I never have the patience for an ice bath). You want the cauliflower just for tender, enough so that you can mash it a bit but not mushy. Also really DRAIN the cauliflower, this recipe does not need more liquid.

Return the veggies to the same pot, add your egg after you give it a good whisking and the cheese and bread crumbs. Notice I didn't mash the veggies first. I did this the first time and it was so mushy and water and just not right? After a few more attempts it seemed to work out better if I mashed everything at the same time. Also don't get to high tech on this and whip out your imersion blender (already made that mistake) it also mushes things up. Go old school with a potatoe masher or even better a pastry cutter! Consitency plays an important role here.

Now add your spices and taste your "batter" to see if anything needs adjusting. Yes there are raw eggs, but who hasn't sampled the cookie dough before baking :) If you think the "batter" looks wet add more bread crumbs, but you should have a chunky mashed potato look here.

I spooned out large silver dollar "pancake" sized portions on to my non stick griddle at about medium heat. Fry for 2 minutes each side and you will end up with a pancake that is crisp on the outside and gooey on the inside.

This recipe made a ton, enough to feed a crowd I felt like. Over all I would make these again. Maybe serve them with some fun dipping sauces next time?

Hope you enjoy!

Sugar Bee Crafts
Ladybug Blessings

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